
Showing posts from December, 2017

What is going to be the next "big thing" in 2019-2020 ?

             Today we will talking about the future of technology So , this is  a liste of the next big thing :     Internet of things :    This is an old notion but it's obtained a lot of traction lately, because it's a good one. Connecting & linking not just computers, and tablets, but all of our systems through the cloud.      The only thing holding it back is the truth that the management infrastructure is not in place yet. We'll need ways to  use these networks of smart  objects that are in our homes and lives.     This is an area that is very fragmented - yet any widely utilized application or platform will need to work across many different devices, suppliers. a lot of companies in the cloud storage/data management space are in a good position here.    Online Media Publication Aggregation:  As we know a lot of  traditional ...

Why you should learn python programming in 2018 ?

               Python    will be better than PHP. predominantly,  Python is will be the programming language that has automated the way programmers code.                  This is actually one of the prime reasons programmers  have transformed their benefit to Python programming language. It helps you write simple scripts at relatively faster rate compared to C, Java, C++ .                Similarly, availability of built-in data types is another lucrative feature of this language. The built-in data types  and functions eliminate the burden of explicitly declare variables and writing several lines of code for function. Instead, you can immediately call much Python functions like format(), compile(), callable(), compile() and others. Both enterprises and programmers are passionate about including Python in their soft...

How to create Virtual reality (VR) content?

To create a VR content you need: The format You can make virtual reality content in two ways:      a 3D animation or construction .  If you want to show something you can’t catch in the real world, create a 3D animation. With a 3D animation for VR, a user can delightedly look about the space s/he is in .        a 360-degree video . The use of a 360-degree video is perhaps the inexpensive way to create content for a VR app. This way is useful if you want to catch real-life video footage. Use a 360-degree spherical camera. The Tools YouVisit's Experience builder  Tools to makevirtual reality content  for non-developers           The ENTiTi Creator platform   is the first of its kind to supply the development of reactive and immersive VR and AR content. It uses a drag-and-drop interface and cloud-based system. YouVisit's Experience builder  – a 360° virtual reality...

Is Elon Musk right about artificial intelligence ?

     At present, everybody is commenting that artificial intelligence has problem Determining Photos and using that defeat as an all-encompassing epitome.        But that’s something very specific, and something that only shows  easy because of how hardwired it is in our own brains.        artificial intelligence   is mastering the smaller but more paramount skills, like strategy. The best proof for this is from the AlphaGo match, where the   artificial intelligence  beat the world champion. And yet, people disregard the truth because it can’t recognize images.      Humans developed to see, but visualize how difficult it is to educate a machine to recognize something, specifically something three dimensional. It’s near-impossible to code and relies completely on machine learning algorithms. The truth that machines have gotten so good at recognizing...

How to define this terms "machine learning", "deep learning", and "AI"?

          Machine learning is a group of  algorithms that train on a data set to make predictions or take actions in order to optimize some systems.     for example , oversee classification algorithms are used to classify prospect clients into good or bad prospects, for loan purposes, based on historical data. The techniques involved, for a given task (e.g. supervised clustering), are varied: naive Bayes, SVM, neural nets, ensembles, association rules, decision trees, logistic regression, or a combination of many.       All of this is a subset of data science. When these algorithms are automated, as in automated piloting or driver-less cars, it is called AI, and more specifically, deep learning. If the data collected comes from sensors and if it is transmitted via the Internet, then it is machine learning or data science or deep learning applied to IoT. Artificial intelligence.       Some people have ...

4 Technology Trends That Will influence 2018 !

       These days, both small scale and big corporations  are concoct innovative tech things that seem to be occult stuff for a lot of people. But this is the reality. This is the future of the world.   Right know in 21 st  century which is full of challenges and new  chances. several tech inventions are immediately concerning with challenges and their solutions. However, some tech inventions are also opening new gateways for wonderful chances.              According to me trending technologies of 2017 are           Cloud Computing:              Hybrid clouds – software-as-a-service (SaaS) and platform-as-a-service (PaaS) in group with domestic applications is main chauffeur of business growth. The focus will shift from simple infrastructure solutions to developing cloud strategies.         ...

4 Easy Steps To Start Learning Artificial Intelligence (AI)

             Artificial intelligence (AI)  is section of computer science  transact  with the  emulation of intelligent conduct in computers.also Artificial intelligence is  the efficiency of a machine to mimic in telligent human conduct .          AI is presently an exceptionally well known field, and we have propelled innovation to “fault” for that..          This article is about learning Artificial Intelligence and we will give you a thorough guide that you can use as a starting point towards learning artificial intelligence.       Where you start depends on what you already know.        beneath you’ll find a list of resources to learn and practice and how to get started in Artificial Intelligence in 4 Easy steps: STEP 1 .) Learn Python & SQL Python  is what many prefer to start wi...

Mark Zuckerberg: "Virtual Reality will be the next platform"

                   VR is computer generated 3D environment in which a peron can react with an artificial world.        The founder of facebook said that the headset technology is "the next platform" .                      Mark said "At Facebook we think about giving people richer tools.       VR is the next platform, where anyone can make and experience anything they want.       Right now, VR is especially used for games and entertainment, but that's fast developing, and one day you're going to be competent to place on a headset and that's going to alteration the way that you live, work and communicate.      So imagine being able to sit in front of a campfire and hang out with your friends any time that you want, or watch a movie in a private theatre with your friends any time you want.   Im...

Why Elon Musk is worried about Artificial intelligence (AI) ?

        Elon Musk  is increasingly out on his own with his doomsday predictions of a future where artificial intelligence threatens human presence.     Over the past few months, Tesla  and SpaceX boss Musk has released repeated, dire threats warning of a very frightening future with artificial intelligence.     Musk says the global race for artificial intelligence will cause World War III    and that governments will take AI technology "at gunpoint" if necessary.   The billionaire tech icon has also says robots will be eligible to do everything   top than humans.    And "AI is essential risk to the presence of human civilization " and poses   " immensely more risk" than North Korea , according to Musk.                     Musk agrees: "AI is a primary risk to the presence of human civilization in...

How to become augmented reality (AR) Developer ?

      The Augmented Reality industry as yet in its beginnings, after all, that's why now is the perfect time to learn how to create apps or games for this technology.        Anyway, basics necessary to become Augmented Reality developer are in the 3D area - it’s not very different from 3D games development.       Because AR is about making immersive environments or worlds that can be reacted and joint with in three dimensions, like in real life.        It also count on on how deep you want to go - on example since activating Pokemon GO game on the market, promptly became viral and was very popular.        That being said, replicating the success of Pokémon Go will need a careful planning.             Best AR tools      ARCore         ARCore (Google ARCore) is a development platform for buildin...

What is augmented reality ?

                        Augmented reality  ( AR ) is a live direct or indirect view of a physical, real-world environment whose elements are "augmented" by computer-generated or extracted real-world sensory input such as  sound ,   vidio ,  graphics ,  haptics  or GPS  , data .                 Augmented reality is used in order to enhance the experienced environments or situations and to offer enriched experiences.  Originally, the immersive augmented reality experiences were used in entertainment and game businesses, but now other business industries are also getting interested about AR's possibilities for example in knowledge sharing, educating, managing the information flood and organizing distant meetings.           Augmented reality apps  are written in special 3D programs that allow the develope...

Top programming languages for Artificial intelligence (AI) development

       Are you an AI (artificial intelligence) aspirant who's bemused on which programming language choose for your next project? If so, you've come to the right place, as here we are going to look at the best 4 programming languages for AI development.         P ython   : is exceedingly used for artificial intelligence, with bundles for a number of applications inclusive General AI,Machine Learning  ,Natural Language processing  and Neural Networks  .   Haskell  :   is also a very good programming language for AI. Lazy valuation and the list and LogicT monads make it easyt o express non-deterministic algorithms, which is overwhelmingly the case. Infinite data structures are large for search trees. The language's features can a compositional way of expressing the algorithms. The only obstacle is that working with diagram is a bit harder at first becau...