What is going to be the next "big thing" in 2019-2020 ?

             Today we will talking about the future of technology So , this is  a liste of the next big thing :   

 Internet of things : 

 This is an old notion but it's obtained a lot of traction lately, because it's a good one. Connecting & linking not just computers, and tablets, but all of our systems through the cloud. 

    The only thing holding it back is the truth that the management infrastructure is not in place yet. We'll need ways to  use these networks of smart  objects that are in our homes and lives.

    This is an area that is very fragmented - yet any widely utilized application or platform will need to work across many different devices, suppliers. a lot of companies in the cloud storage/data management space are in a good position here. 

  Online Media Publication Aggregation: 

As we know a lot of  traditional & new media companies are fighting to turn online eyeballs into substantial revenue. 

     People aren't ready to pay for enough content in big enough numbers, and the paywall model has a ton of cons. So it wouldn't be surprising to see a company come in and do a distribution deal with lets say 70 top newspapers/magazines, buy the rights to dole out their content for pennies on the dollar, and turn around and give clients the chance to access all 70 of those publications' online content for a small annual fee, which would be a fraction of the true cost. 

    This is more of a business idea than a prediction, but it's been done before in media (remember BMG Music Club?) and could solve the online publication revenue woes. Payments.

    Mobile Payments :

With fast development of mobile phones, there is like a big opportunity for replacing money transactions with either an existing, or a new form of electronic currency on a very wide basis. 

  No one seems to have hit upon a business model that is universal and public enough to dislodge physical cash. And whatever emerges could substitute a lot of conventional advertising as well.

