Why you should learn C++ language in 2018 ?

       C++ is resting assured a great language to be learned anytime.

      Aside from a lot of  advantages that others mentioned in the other answers here, C++has been improved a lot in the latest years having been added many modern features to it as well as many frameworks ― Poco C++ LibrariesBoostCasablanca ― have been making available support for developing all sort of applications from Embedded Systems to Web Services.

       Here are a little motives why you should learn C++:
― in fact learning how to program
       It is nice easy to hear someone says C++ is much harder than languages like SwiftC#, and c. It is really correct.

       It means neither that in C++ you will automatically learn much more nor that you can not do it in any other of those languages. Just, in C++ tiny details matter. 

      It turns out every design and programming problem in C++ has a various, deeper grade and C++ place all the responsibility of your resolutions on your shoulders. 

       a lot of programmers today stratify the solution without having understood the problem indeed. 

      Learning C++, you will need to grasp them. subsequently, Study SOLID principles, coding best practicesimplementation, and design patterns in C++ is a fraction different. In C++, you really need to master the concepts to sense confident programming.

       Programming is a game of trade-offs. In C++ you ought master how to make good resolutions. certainly, once you have mastered C++, several of the generality critical concepts in software development will be completely down your control. It means that applying the same concepts in other environments will be much easier.

      There is no better language to learn algorithms. The most algorithms books  are done using C++, by far. It is nearly an official programming language for this sort of thing.

   developing games industry

      You do not need to know so much to know that the Game Industry has C++ as one of its first choices of programming language. It is quite easy to understand why too: C++ gives you control.

   it is supported everywhere

            iOS , Android, LinuxMac,Windows, whichever.    C++ is everywhere and its nearly always easily integrated in any other environment.

 memory managing skills

       I have never seen a better language to learn about it.

       substantially, C++ is an nearly 40 years programming language. It is out there after all this time, it is as significant as it was twenty years ago, and it keeps evolving. The guy who wrote that book you love very likely disbursement some time learning it. You won’t regret if you do it too.

   So, If you are a newcomer in programming, one of the greatest resources is that book: Deitel & Deitel C++ How to Program. It is a valuable resource.

 If you have any experience in the programming field, this is the best book to start with: Bjarne Stroustrup, Programming: Principles and Practice Using C++. It is the book of the C++ creator for people interested in starting with the language.


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